NDRN works to ensure all individuals, particularly those who have disabilities or from traditionally underrepresented populations, have political equity. We encourage self-advocates, advocates and all others to engage in the federal legislation process, and we support their pursuits by providing links to relevant bills from congress.gov.
Please note that the inclusion of legislation in this list does not necessarily indicate NDRN’s support, only the bill’s potential impact on those for whom we advocate. As we endorse certain bills with a letter of support or thanks to the sponsor, you will find those letters included here.
SSI Penalty Elimination Act
HR 5408 and S 2767
House Sponsor: Rep. Clay Higgins (R-LA-3)
Senate Sponsor: Sen. Sherrod Brown(D-OH)
Disabilities Rights Association SUPPORTS this legislation.
Stop the Wait Act of 2023
HR 883 and S 320
House Sponsor: Rep. Lloyd Doggett (D-NV-1)
Senate Sponsor: Sen. Robert P. Casey, Jr. (D-PA)
Disabilities Rights Association SUPPORTS this legislation.
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